Tom (RTL Exclusiv) viagra statement: "I bought viagra right." - "Consumed?" - "And consumed right."
RTL Exclusiv: Tokio Hotel are back. It's their 1st media date after their recent Asia tour.
RTL exclusiv: According to themselves they're still #1: "It feels good in any case. Especiall cause we live here, our home it's cool" Bill
Tom added: "But everyone talks about how terrible it is like an accident. You don't want to experience it twice but I wouldnt say this."
Tom (RTL Exclusiv) about effects: "I can't really tell. But they last very long. It's good once in a while."
translated by KaulitzFan (twitter)
note: she translated it using twitter.
Moderator: "They are all just about 20 years old but they almost reached the retirement age though. Tokio Hotel – big acclaimed teen-stars, but now they’re fighting for their career. Their current European tour wasn’t sold out. By now they get competition from younger stars like the 16-years-old Justin Bieber. At the Comet award show on Friday, the old and new teen-idols came together. Who won the fight about getting as much recognition from the fans as possible and what was going on there, Eva Kreuz and Simon Eigner are reporting:"
For the first time Tom from Tokio Hotel talks about his love-doping.
Tom: "I bought Viagra, yes."
Reporter: "Did you consume it, too?"
Tom: "I consumed it, yes."
Sex, drugs & Rock'n'Roll, the main point is to stay a hot topic, because the fight of the teen-stars is hard.
Senna (Monrose): "It's always a rivalry but I'm sure that rivalry keeps you alive."
A fight about fame and success – everybody against everybody, tighter, lower, everything is allowed at the Comet award show 2010.
Tokio Hotel are back. The appearance at the Comet is their first public date since their Asia tour, and if it’s up to their fans, Bill & Co are still the number 1.
Bill: "I have to say, it's still a great feeling everytime. Well, absolutely. Because we're living here, it's our home country, and that's cool."
Since 5 years they belong to the upper league, Tokio Hotel are almost the pensioners on the Red Carpet. There's already younger competition like the 16-years-old Justin Bieber, who got famous through the internet. With him there's already the younger generation of the teen-stars at the ready.
Justin Bieber: […]
Everybody tries to find a niche in the teen branch.
Detlef D! Soost: "I think when you're starting your career and you have very young fans, like Justin Bieber or also Tokio Hotel, who are already growing out of their role as teen-stars (he just meant Tokio Hotel, not Justin Bieber), it's hard to keep your fans and getting new target groups."
Senna (Monrose): "For Tokio Hotel it's very hard now because they're also famous internationally and they're also successful there. And I think to do justice to everything is a very big pressure."
Volker Neumüller: "Between the age of 12 and 18 the tastes are changing very fast and what you found cool yesterday, is suddenly not cool."
So Justin Bieber for example gets marketed very cleanly, without scandals, a "One-boy-boygroup", everything is planned in the minutest detail, also the appearance on the Red Carpet.
Justin Bieber: […]
Does a slick image guarantees success for many years? Tokio Hotel have been proving staying power since many years. A highlight after another, also privately, like on their tour in Asia, and so you stay a hot topic.
Tom: "I bought Viagra, yes."
Reporter: "Did you consume it, too?"
Tom: "I consumed it, yes."
Reporter: "You tried it?"
Tom: "But the difference is.. the thing is that people always talk about it so terribly because it always sounds like an accident or something. You don't want an accident to happen once more, but I can’t exclude it (to take Viagra again), to be honest."
Revolverheld: "Actually it's a pity if you have to take it already in this age."
Gabriella (Queensberry): "His penis is still growing, so please!"
Leo (Queensberry): "They're rockstars, so they're allowed to do that."
Reporter: "How long did it last?"
Tom: "Uhm… I actually can't really tell that. But it was very very long. But it was also quite good in between."
Tokio Hotel won in the category "Best Liveact" – their way of revenge to all critics who claim that their latest European tour was a flop because it wasn’t sold out.
Bill: "Many other bands would be happy about it if they could perform in front of 12.000 people in Paris, and yeah.. such being the case, well.. it depends on how you see it. We are absolutely happy about the tour."
And Tokio Hotel as "Oldies" showed the next generation of teen-stars how to keep your success in the branch, like Scooter […]
While Justin Bieber rather stays away from scandals and the aftershow party, Tokio Hotel came late at night, they celebrated in a separated section. If you could believe Scooter (band in Germany), it’s the right way for a long-lasting career, even beyond the teenie-target-group.
Translated by Tokio Hotel International Fans Organization (Facebook)
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